Abacus Courses offered by us

Abacus is a whole brain development program designed especially for children in the age group of 4-14 yrs. This course stimulate both sides of the brain which leads to enhancing skills.

  • Toddler Abacus -(Jr.Kg): This course is of one level for 3 months where children of junior Kg are introduced to represent 1- 50 Nos. on Abacus Instrument.
  • Toddler Abacus -(Sr.Kg): This course is of one level for 3 months where children of Senior Kg are introduced to represent 1- 100 Nos. & simple addition, Substraction on Abacus Instrument.
  • Runners -(Age group 4-9 years): This is 5 level program, each level comprises of 3-4 months for the students studying in 1st to 4th standard.
  • Sprinters -(Age group 10-14 years): This is 4 level program, each level comprises of 3-4 months for the students studying in 5th to 9th standard.
  • Advanced Level: This courses comprises of 2 levels.
  • Grand Level: This courses comprises of 1 levels.


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